Alberta Health Services has numerous homeless, at risk and recently-housed clients who do not have government-issued photo identification and/or healthcare cards. AHS health providers have identified this lack as a major barrier when discharging clients from healthcare services and programs, releasing them from correctional facilities or referring them to much-needed services in the community.
To address this need, Human Services, Service Alberta, Alberta Health and Solicitor General (Adult) worked with AHS to develop and implement the AHS ID Program (formerly known as the ID for the Homeless Healthcare Project) to help homeless, at-risk and recently housed Albertans who enter care without Alberta Identification or Alberta Personal Health Cards, to obtain these prior to discharge or as soon as possible after discharge. This Program trains ID Specialists and, in some areas, health providers to assist clients to obtain IDs using alternate means. This includes clients admitted to AHS facilities, clients supported by AHS Community Programs and Services, clients released from Alberta Correctional and Remand Centre's, who are receiving assistance from the AHS Corrections Transition and Diversion Teams.
Client Eligibility Criteria
Client assistance using virtual-health technology will be actioned if the following criteria are met:
- Clients are 18+ years-of-age
- Clients have resided in Alberta for a minimum of 90+ days (not counting time in acute care or Correction facilities)
- Clients have legal presence in Canada (to include refugees who have reached/received their first decision)
- Client does not live within the program’s catchment areas of Grande Prairie, Edmonton, Calgary, Medicine Hat or Lethbridge, exceptions may apply
- Client is being supported by a service/health provider who can accompany client to their meeting(s) and registry
- Client has the ability to attend a registry office once their identity has been confirmed.
Staff at the John Howard Society of Red Deer will assist client's in this process which involves 3 in-person appointments:
- Intake with JHS Caseworker
- Virtual tele-health appointment at the JHS building
- Registry appointment
Please call to book an appointment today: